Pharmacy Marketing Solutions

Promote your products right up to the pharmacy counter

OCP has very close relationships with pharmacies and can offer laboratories pharmacy marketing solutions to promote their products to pharmacists and help with over-the-counter dispensing

To achieve this, OCP has:

  • A fully-fledged digital solution, which over 10,500 subscribers use every day: It’s called Link.
  • Call centers uniting 100 PaharmaConnect agents (Pharmaliens) and 19 Ambassarods for the Promotion of Medicines: OCP is the only distributor certified by the HAS (French National Authority for Health) to promote information provision for medicines.
  • A sales force of 110 employees.

Our pharmacy marketing solutions

Product launch plan

Coordinated communication across all of our channels (digital, print, telephone) for a greater customer impact.

Communication between businesses and institutions

Benefit from maximum visibility within the entire pharmacy network.

Sales development

Carry out sales campaigns for an identified core target group or to our 14,000 customers through annual, quarterly or monthly targeting.

Information and training of pharmacy teams

Improve your pharmacy team's knowledge of certain diseases and illnesses or provide them with wider product knowledge for better advice at the counter.

Drug promotion

We can offer pharmacy teams remote training to comply with the certification needed to use stock systems and informational campaigns aimed at promoting medicines.

*Haute Autorité de Santé

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