
and set-up projects

Developing a
point of sale

The life of a pharmacist is often segmented with several highlights: purchase of the business and development work, transfer, regrouping, sell-off… these major stages all involve significant costs. OCP has put together three financing solutions tailored to suit your needs at each crucial stage of your career as a licensed pharmacist.

Our financing offers


Are you looking to set up a phamacy business?

OCP INITIO helps pharmacists to set up and can also assist with grouping together several pharmacies.


Are you looking to develop?

OCP EXTENSIO helps you to finance new projects like transferring your sales point, carrying out works or renewing a license. 

Business set-up conferences

Do you have a project for setting up a pharmacy business and would like to:

  • Build your project with advice from the best experts within your region?
  • Choose financing solutions to meet the needs of your project?
  • Chat with your peers in a similar position to you during an evening get-together?

If so, our set up meetings are for you!

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